New work by Clare Price
23rd March – 30th April 2011
Clare Price presents new works in this her first solo show. The new paintings represent a departure from the strictures of previous work. Whilst adhering to the familiar formalist rules of earlier paintings, starting with the hand rendered pixellated lines that form a grid or a starting point for the work there is a new energy and freedom that is seen both in leaving behind of her traditional landscape format and also the breaking down of the relationship with the original drawing. The works are spare, looser and more lyrical which also gives them greater charge. The change in dimensions means we relate to the work more a purely an abstract painting and lose the association with landscape, there is a relationship with the body and the spaces seem to open up before us.
“Price achieves a new rendering of the grid, opening out into new dimensions. There is such control and obsession in the structure, the arduously hand-painted pixellated lines of her wildly pulsing, irregular grids; a tightly restrained framework up to a point where it explodes, there is release, it shouts out, it screams”